Contact Point - Buckhaven
Our Contact Point mental health day resource centre in Buckhaven encourages service users to lead on the services and encourage people to become the best they can be.
22 Lawrence Street, Buckhaven, KY8 1BQ
Further Information
The centre is for people with:
- mental health problems
- dual diagnosis (for example mental health and learning disability; mental health and/or drug, alcohol problems).
The service is for people aged 18 and over who wish to improve or maintain their mental health. Many of the service users are experiencing, or have experienced, serious and/or enduring mental illness. The services help reduce hospital admissions and re-admissions.
All groups, activities and events were created by service users to help meet their needs.
Funding for the services is provided by:
- Fife Council Social Work Department
- Fife Health Board
- Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth Community Health Partnership.
Key aims:
- provide a safe environment for people with mental health problems
- promote good practice in mental health
- provide and promote opportunities to reduce isolation and develop new skills
- encourage employment and training opportunities
- establish information services
- offer service users choices
- increased opportunities to take part in physical activities via structured supervised planned sessions.
How to make a referral
You can contact us at:
- Address: Contact Point – Buckhaven, 22 Lawrence Street, Buckhaven, KY8 1BQ.
- Call: 01592 664484.