Buttries View
Buttries View is part of the Core and Cluster Contract with West Lothian Council.
22 Buttries View, Armadale, EH48 3AX
Further Information
The service offers support to individuals who are recovering from, or have, an enduring mental health. The services are registered with the Care Inspectorate to provide Care at Home and Housing Support.
Care at Home Service
Buttries View is a Care at Home Service providing 24/7 supported accommodation for adults with mental health issues. Our ethos is about empowering and enabling people to develop and build their independence with regards to daily living skills as well as promoting positive health and well-being. A team of passionate, caring, professional staff will help guide, mentor and treat individuals with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Housing Support Service
Housing Support Outreach Service provides support to individuals who live within their own tenancy who have mental health issues across the West Lothian District.
Aims of service:
- to provide outcome focused high-quality care and support;
- to maximise independence in all areas of life;
- ensuring everyone is treated with respect, dignity and compassion and are given choice to live their lives as they choose.
- involve you in feeding back to staff at supervisions;
- staff are skilled, trained and have the right tools to be able to deliver high-quality tailored support;
- provide a safe and homely environment which enables you to live at a pace which is comfortable to you;
- ensure your rights, dignity and privacy are respected at all times;
- treat you as an individual and offer support and guidance when needed;
- develop and enhance your skills and assist you in achieving your personal outcomes;
- involve you in decisions about improving the service;
- involve you, if you choose to participate in the employment of new staff.
How to make a referral
You can contact us at:
- Address: 22 Buttries View, Armadale, EH48 3AX
- Telephone: 01501 734 784.