Our Livingwell service helps older tenants live independently in their own homes for as long as they can.
We provide Livingwell services to a number of Registered Social Landlords, including Wheatley Homes Glasgow and Loretto Housing Association, which are all part of Wheatley Group.
Livingwell includes:
- contact when it suits, for example in the evening and at weekends
- staff, or volunteers, on site at certain times seven days a week
- Livingwell Advisors, working in small local teams as part of wider area hubs, providing cover 365 days a year
- a wider range of leisure and social activities for tenants
- opportunities for tenants to take part in volunteering
- a tried-and-tested OkEachDay service where tenants press a button to let us know everything is fine at their home and, if not, receive a call from a friendly person.
The OKEachday service is operated by Alertacall.
Tenants with more complex or critical needs get help to arrange a statutory assessment for a care package by the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.
Wheatley Care also provide services to Calvay Housing Association, Cathcart and District Housing Association, Govan Housing Association, New Gorbals Housing Association, and Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association.